VALUES: Person-centered, independence, self-determination, relationships, happiness
VISION: Students leaving the YATP living a full and meaningful life as productive citizens
The Young Adult Transition Program (YATP) is a highly encouraged program that is available for students who have completed alternate assessment requirements at their local high school. Students of the YATP have opportunities to work toward their functional academic, vocational, daily living, recreation/leisure, social and self-care goals in both the classroom and community settings. Student goals are person-centered; with a focus related to transitioning to adult life.
PURPOSE: The purpose of the YATP is to prepare students enrolled in the program for their next step in adult life.
VALUES: Person-centered, independence, self-determination, relationships, happiness
VISION: Students leaving the YATP living a full and meaningful life as productive citizens
Meet Our Team
Audrey Devine |
PattiBeth Miller |
Sarah Stepp |
Ellen Emerson |
Special Education Teacher |
Special Education Teacher |
Transition Coordinator |
Job Coach |
Cindie Dillard |
Gary Satori |
Kim Walter |
Instructional Assistant | Instructional Assistant | Instructional Assistant | |
Maria Welbourn |
Instructional Assistant |
Transition Resources
Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) Services
SCL Waiver SSI Application Michelle P. Waiver
PHONE: (502) 222-0131
FAX: (502) 222-8195
Young Adult Transitional Program
Arvin Education Center
1650 Colonels Drive
La Grange, KY 40031
Audrey Devine:
Sarah Stepp:
The YATP is committed to providing our students with a variety of volunteer worksite options, to build their skill set and resume. If your business would like to offer volunteer opportunities, contact us!