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These courses introduce the student to the principles, theories, and concepts of Automotive Technology, and include instruction in the maintenance and light repair of Engines, Brake Systems, Electrical/Electronic Systems, Suspension and Steering Systems, Automatic and Manual Transmission/Transaxles, and Engine Performance Systems. In all areas, appropriate theory, safety, and support instruction will be taught and required for performing each task, including proper care and cleaning of customers' vehicles.

Automotive Pathway Courses


First Year Students

Automotive Maintenance and Light Repair (AMLR) A and B


Second Year Students

Automotive Maintenance and Light Repair (AMLR) C and D


Automotive Track/CO-OP with ALMR C and D at JCTC


Automotive Early College Opportunity (Must be a senior to enroll.)


Complete descriptions are located under the "Scheduling" Tab


arvin automotive students
arvin automotive students
arvin automotive students
arvin automotive students
arvin automotive students
arvin automotive students
arvin automotive students
arvin automotive students
arvin automotive students